Starting an Etsy store

I'm home from the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan. Ahhh... I'll sound like a dweeb if I try to explain how much I loved it. I'm so mushy about how much I love my family. We camped, all 15 of us! for several days at an undisclosed area of rare beauty. it was, in the words of my niece Tatia, 'heaven.'

Having returned filled with excitement about my shop opening; and finding myself needed at the hotel recovering from Labor Day weekend, I have finally had a whole day to begin preparing my shop. I set up the financial acct information and decided on pricing and shipping. I still need to survey the plethora of advice they've provided for new shop owners.

Tomorrow I will be taking photos of my dolls and writing their descriptions. I had brought my dolls to show my family and had some fun conversations about their sordid pasts and pleasant presents. Even my Great Aunt Elva helped me with her descriptive genius. I was so touched by how loving she was about my sweet little creations. And my wonderful nieces, Bailey and Tatia, indulged me in the most fabulous history of Claire, our lovely red-head... I'll let you hear it later...

For now, I must continue working.
Tomorrow is picture day!!


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