Holidays are blooming!

Dearest Belovers,

Why cant we all bloom in any season? I do love Fall and I'm beginning to think the only reason I love it is because it gets me back into my craft room as I prepare for the ultimate season, the holiday season! I love them all but perhaps Christmas most of all.

I finally got back to my new dolls recently and they've gone a few more steps towards fabulousness. Last night I painted the girls skin and feel it a tiny bit too pink.

Well, now that I've covered them in bright pink fabric they look great. Hairless and naked, but great.

 So this morning I pulled out the guys and realized when I paint them I'll temper the pink in the girls too. As far as the guys are concerned, for now they need their extremities attached because you can only go without arms and legs so long before it gets old...

I have been gone a long time.
But I had an incredible year. A busy one.
I just turned 50 a month ago. And this was a biggy for me. I called it my halfway mark birthday, however, since I plan on living to at least 122,  it will actually be halfway birthdays for another...12 years. No need to gloat about my eternalness, I just am pretty sure I'll be super duper old, that's all. So I've decided that since its only almost half over, I should start living like I love it. Ergo, here I am, with my belovers being love with me.
I fulfilled a decades long goal of completing my Level 4 certification with my astrological association, NCGR. I am now officially nationally certified as an astrologer, and can follow my name with C.A. That my friends took a good half of my year with my nose buried deep in books and learning so much I cant even tell you. If you want to know about astrology from me go here... .
I quit at the spa hotel I worked at for 6 years. It was time. And the nicest part was when my boss told me if I ever wanted to come back he'd hire me. That felt good.
Bill and I were able to pay off all of our debt. Now if you've never done this I would highly recommend it. There is a freedom in it that is indescribable.
There is so much more that has happened but these highlights will be enough for you to see more of my business than you may care about.
And let me just say that I am inspired to return by my sister Ame who runs a Tao blog called Tao Te Ching Daily  that I read everyday and I was just telling her yesterday that it was kind of cool to hear from her everyday as her little blog pops up in my emails regularly.  
So anyway, the guys are screaming from the other room that they're freezing their asses off. I better go.
I love you all... And remember, life's easy. Just be love with me.


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